New Zealand logistics group 'Drone Delivered' is based within the Waikato and Bay of plenty Areas.
The delivery system - drone based is a great cost effective and real time solution to transport small goods within your local area
We use this method as a alternative delivery system, maybe it will suit your industry too.
We our selves sell both clothing and building supplies, most items under 2.5 kg weight so well within drone tolerance to transport it from one place to another.
Being a niche market service group we explored other options to bring sales in asked our data base would they utilise such a option if it existed, they said yes.
We then explored a price point to add to each product for the drone delivered service both one off to try it and reoccurring if one used it reguly.
With results in place we explored the option and now here we are, 'Drone Delivered - a wisp away' is a solution unique like your business '